Welcome, HackerLink voters! Here is your ultimate voting guide for Polygon-Grants Hackathon. With the Quadratic Funding mechanism, you can impact the allocation of a $100,000 prize pool and incentivize project builders with the total amount you contribute. Let’s validate your contribution to the Polygon ecosystem at HackerLink!
Click here to learn more about Polygon-Grants Hackathon
Join us and become a voter @HackerLink today:https://t.me/hackerlinkvoter
- Voting period: 13:00 Aug 30th to Nov 12th, 2021 (UTC+0).
- Vote via HackerLink: https://hackerlink.io/grant/Polygon/1
- Owns an account with Metamask, Ledger Live, Infinity Wallet, or Encrypted Wallet.
- Make sure you have a sufficient MATIC balance in your wallet (check “How to Switch to MATIC Mainnet on MetaMask (e.g.)?” for tutorial).
- Please vote on PC (better via Metamask on Chrome). Voting via mobile may fail.
How to Switch to MATIC Mainnet on MetaMask (e.g.)?
- Add Custom RPC in MetaMask
- Enter in the Matic Mainnet settings as follows:
- Network Name: Polygon
- New RPC URL: https://polygon-rpc.com/
- Chain ID: 137
- Symbol: MATIC
- Block Explorer URL: https://polygonscan.com/
How to Vote?
- Click “Grant BUIDLs” to view the participating projects.
2. Click “Vote” to support and choose your wallet. A pop-up notification will appear on your wallet and ask for authorization. Click “Next” and “Connect” (If the initialization process is stuck, refresh and reconnect).
3. Once the wallet is connected (the wallet address should appear in the voting interface), key the amount you want to vote. The Nth vote will cost N*1 MATIC, so if you’re going to give 3 votes, you need to pay 1+2+3=6 MATIC.
4. Click “Confirm” to finish.
5. After voting, you can check the current project ranking via the leaderboard.
6. Feel free to join the Telegram group: https://t.me/hackerlinkvoter to interact and network with other voters!
Why should YOU become a voter?
- Contribute to the Polygon ecosystem
- Incentivize blockchain builders & support entrepreneurship
- Express the relative strength of personal preferences via the Quadratic Funding mechanism
- Impact the allocation of $100K prize pool
Meet other multi-chain contributors @HackerLink today: https://t.me/hackerlinkvoter
What’s next?
- Join us on Telegram for future updates.
- Follow Dorahacks on Twitter and Youtube to receive the newest notifications and watch live streams.
Currently, 20+ Polygon workshop sessions have been live-streamed on Dorahacks Youtube and 100+ projects have been submitted to HackerLink. Subscribe to notification bell to receive new video uploads, premieres, and live streams on Hackathon workshops and project demo sessions.
Let’s level up your voting profile!
What is Quadratic Funding? How does it work?
Quadratic Voting is a voting scheme introduced and often discussed in the Radical Markets community. It is often considered an innovative improvement of the traditional 1-person-1-vote or 1-dollar-1-vote voting schemes. The simplified formula on how quadratic voting functions is:
Cost to the voter = 1+2+3+…+ number of votes MATIC.
With such a mechanism, community contributors can vote for their favourite projects and emphasize their preferences through multiple votes. Along with the increased contribution each round, of course.
How would this affect project incentives? Popularity, which is embedded in this mechanism and is comprised of the total number of votes driving the top project with the most allocated prize. Plus, the accumulated MATIC will go directly to the respective project after each round.
Interested to know more about quadratic funding? You can check the Quadratic Funding Algorithm by Vitalik Buterin, or the Quadratic Funding V2 Protocol by Eric Zhang.
For the Chinese version, please view it here.
Frequently Asked Question
0. What if I encounter problems during the voting process?
HackerLink provides voter support in Telegram, join us here.
1. Can I see my voting history?
Voting history is unavailable for voters at the moment. But builders are able to view your address at the end of the hackathon.
However, if you would like to verify the validity of your votes, you are able to view your voting history via block explorer. In this case, you can verify via https://polygonscan.com.
2. Can I use bots to mass vote for some project?
Absolutely don’t do this. Botting and other ways of cheating will be detected by our anti-Sybil attack mechanism, which is why a grace period (3–5 days) is being issued for such a purpose. Please keep in mind that botting will NOT grant your supported projects in any stance of superiority nor impact the prize pool distribution in your favour.
3. Can the project with more votes get a bigger share of the prize pool?
According to the Quadratic Funding mechanism, popularity is the basis of the distribution of the prize pool. If a project is supported by more VOTERS (rather than votes), it will receive more prizes by the end.
For e.g, A project with 10 votes from 10 voters will be prized more than a project with 10 votes from fewer voters.
4. Who receives the MATIC I paid?
The votes (or we call “donations”) will go directly to the projects.
5. Why can’t I vote?
Invalid voting may occur for multiple reasons, please ensure that you:
- Own a sufficient amount of MATIC in your wallet (scroll up to “How to Switch to MATIC Mainnet on MetaMask (e.g.)?” for tutorial).
- Connected to HackerLink: you should be notified with a pop-up page on your wallet that asks for authorization to connect with HackerLink. Once you authorized the action, your account number should appear in the voting interface.
If the problem still can’t be resolved, please contact Voter Support at Telegram via https://t.me/hackerlinkvoter.
Risk Notifications
Please note that the generated smart contracts from HackerLink will arrange and transfer the donated fund, to conduct quadratic funding algorithms, and distribute contribution funds to the projects of which the voting results in favor. The website cannot guarantee the authenticity, legality, and validity of the project, though admins will contact the projects to verify the validity with their best effort. Be aware of the risks and vote rationally. Polygon, HackerLink, or DoraHacks aren’t responsible for any adverse consequences.
If you have any questions, please contact us on Telegram. We would like to hear more from you and let’s keep in touch!
About Polygon
Polygon is a protocol and a framework for building and connecting Ethereum-compatible blockchain networks. Aggregating scalable solutions on Ethereum supporting a multi-chain Ethereum ecosystem.
About DoraHacks
DoraHacks is a global hackathon organizer and one of the world’s most active developer communities. HackerLink (https://hackerlink.io/en) is DoraHacks’ open-source developer platform and open source curation market. It provides unique on-chain tools to incentivize open-source developments around the world. The platform offers a variety of features including hacker profile, BUIDL, quadratic funding grants, bonding curve, bounties, hackathons to more than 100,000 users around the world.