At DoraHacks we focus on finding and assisting hackers with innovative ideas to help grow the web3 ecosystem.
This is why we have started the Dora GrantDAO, a grant program formed to assist hacker projects in their initial stages to continue building their projects and reach their full potential.
Below you’ll find information on how to apply for Dora GrantDAO, the requirements, what Dora GrantDAO will provide and how we can work together in the future.
What Grants are available?
There are two types of grants available to applicants:
- Mini Grant, $2,000 to $10,000, aimed at supporting projects through their ideation phases to help them develop a roadmap and clear plan forward.
- Mega Grant, $50,000 to $100,000, for projects that have a clear milestone development plan for the foreseeable future.
The Mega Grant will be distributed to the team in accordance with their roadmap and milestones which are agreed upon by the Dora team and the hackers. For example $30k at the completion of milestone one, $30k at milestone two and the remaining $40k at milestone three. This helps to incentivise the teams to continue working and further developing their project as time goes by with funding available at various stages.
Project requirements for Dora GrantDAO
There are various mandates to successfully be selected for the Dora GrantDAO program. The first requirement is that the project is an innovative early stage hacker project. These projects typically have not received any funding from other sources such as VCs or incubator programs. The project must also have a clear and concise roadmap, with milestones in the foreseeable future so that the Dora team can assess how the project is progressing.
How to apply for Dora GrantDAO?
In order to apply for a grant you will need to fill out the Typeform, where you’ll go into depth about what your project is, the team, your goals, motivations, roadmap and intended impact.
It is important that applicants understand the criteria and requirements. After submitting, you’ll receive a confirmation email and the Dora Team will review your submission and get in contact with you within 5 business days.
Other support DoraHacks will provide
DoraHacks has one of the largest hacker communities as well as an excellent reputation within the blockchain industry. DoraHacks also has strong relationships and partnerships with many leading VCs and incubators who rely on them for lead generation and fantastic early stage projects.
Examples of non-financial support that DoraHacks can provide include:
- Connections with other advisors, mentors and founders within the same sector
- Event information (hackathons, conferences, tutorials etc.) to help engage with the community and showcase your work.
- Guidance and feedback
- Intros to others within the DoraHacks community with similar interests or experience
- Funding and resource opportunity guidance
The support that the Dora team and our community can provide through their expertise in helping early stage projects is invaluable to early stage hacker projects and their teams.
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