Step 1: Go to our hackathon home page on Hackerlink.
Step 2: Click on the ‘Apply Hackathon’ Button beside the title.
Step 3: Choose a login in method. You can login in using your GitHub account, or you could use your crypto wallet to login. You can also create an account using your email address. We recommend you to login using your GitHub or Crypto wallet.
Using GitHub to login
Step 4: If you choose to use your GitHub account to login, you will be directed to GitHub’s login page. Enter your login credentials.
Step 5: Click the authorize to helloDoraHacks button.
Step 6: You will be asked to bind your email, and a verification code will be sent to your email. After this, you will be directed to profile editing. Please skip the other login method guide and go to ‘After you successfully logged in’ section for further instructions.
Using Crypto Wallet to login
Step 4:If you choose to login using your crypto wallet, you will be directed to your wallet to login. We will use MetaMask here for example. Login to your MetaMask.
Step 5: Confirm the login with your wallet, and then you will be asked to bind your email.
Step 6: Once you click confirm as shown on the image above, an email will be sent to the email address you provided, click the link in the email to continue to the next step.
After you successfully logged in
Step 1: Complete your profile with basic information, such as a nickname and where you live.
Step 2: Provide any additional contact information that you want to.
Sept 3: You can add any skills you master, such as programming languages and more.
Step 4: On this page you will be asked about your work experience, or projects you have created. If you don’t have any, no worries, you are already making progress by participating in our hackathon. Simply click the skip button on the bottom, and skip this part for now. We all start somewhere!!
Step 5: You are now logged in. Go to our hackathon page and apply for the hackathon or simply use this link!
Step 6: Select ‘Blockchain Hackathon @USC’ from the Hackathon List drop down menu.
Step 7: Click on the orange ‘+Create a new BUIDL to apply for grant’
Step 8: Fill out the details regarding your project. Make sure to select ‘Hackathon’ for project source. Also be sure to leave your Telegram account so we can contact you if there’s a problem with your submission.
Step 9: When you are all finished with your project’s information, go to the bottom and click submit!! To make the project verification process faster, @peterzhao with your project name in the hackathon telegram group or directly DM him.
You are all set!!
After we reviewed your project it will be available publicly on the hackathon page in Hackathon BUIDLs!