Binance Incubation Grant Launches on HackerLink: Vote to Support Rising Stars!
Binance Incubation S3 Grant will start from December 13th, 2021 to January 18th, 2022 on, DoraHacks’ developer incentive platform. During the grant period, the 9 incubation projects will not only come to do live presentations via DoraHacks Channel to showcase their projects, but also open to community donation!
For the past two seasons of the Incubation Program, Binance Labs incubated market-leading and successful crypto businesses such as Polygon, Perpetual Protocol, Injective Protocol, SafePal, Cere Network, and Dune Analytics. Through the experience of incubating a wide range of projects at a very early stage, Binance Labs has developed a set of holistic methodologies for developing and elevating projects.
Season 3 of the Incubation Program organized by Binance Labs, the venture capital arm and incubator of Binance, kick-started from November 16. After 4 weeks’ internal workshops and office hours, it’s time for the 9 participants to show their progress and gain more support from the community!
Read the voting guidelines to VOTE NOW!
Quadratic Voting: December 13 — January 18 (2022)
Project Live Demo: January 10 — January 15 (2022)
Final Demo Day: January 21 (2022)
Block Ape Scissors — Game
Block Ape Scissors is a play-to-earn ecosystem built on Binance Smart Chain (BSC), incorporating gaming, NFTs, and DeFi together into exciting, diverse and rewarding opportunities.
Tranching Protocol — Defi
Tranching Protocol is a yield optimization and hedging protocol implementing tranching for yield farming.
GAT Network — Multichain NFT Market & Gaming
GAT Network has already launched several projects on BSC. Centrepiece is their multichain, non-escrow NFT Market “Minted Vodka”. Besides they launched NFT gaming projects like for example “Game Ace”: The world’s first NFT that is playable as a standalone retro video Game..
Wombat Exchange— Defi / Stableswap
Wombat.Exchange is a hyper efficient multi-chain stableswap.
Bird.Money — Defi / Credit
Bird is building a new type of decentralized oracle that empowers blockchain developers with access to plug and play machine learning analytics products for the next generation web platforms.
Mint Club — Social
Mint Club is a smart token building platform without the need for coding or providing liquidity on the BSC.
Raydius — Bridge
Raydius is a middleware solution designed to create a more connected blockchain ecosystem.
Copycat Finance — Trading
Copycat Finance is a decentralized copy trading and copy farming platform on BSC where innovative social trading meets the high-yield social farming revolution.
SkyArk Studio — Game
SkyArk Studio is Singapore’s first AAA blockchain game studio. SkyArk is launching 2 game titles under the SkyArk Chronicles series that is playable using a singly NFT. The games will be a testimonial to SkyArk’s proprietary NFT game engines as it demonstrates NFTs assets to be interoperable, editable and evolvable between the game titles.
Vote to support the rising stars!
With resources from Binance Labs and guidance from the best crypto mentors, the 9 incubation projects are becoming the eye-catching rising stars in the crypto world!
This Grant round, as part of one of the first Web 3-native incubation programs in the world, innovatively merges crypto-native governance and Quadratic Funding mechanism via, a platform that provides a unique set of on-chain tools to incentivize open-source projects and developers. The projects will be supported by crypto-native contributions from the community and in exchange, they would be constantly required to improve and advance in order to validate community approval. It is also an invitation of all community members to participate in the incubation program, contribute to the incubated projects, and build a better Web 3 ecosystem together with Binance Labs.
What should an incubator in the Web3 ecosystem look like? By this grant round, Binance Incubation Program as the most influential incubator in the crypto world is establishing a community-involved incubator and incentivizing the projects via crypto-native mechanisms. This embarks the era of Web 3-native incubators that we shall envision and continuously explore in the near future.
Read the voting guidelines to VOTE NOW!
Anti-Sybil Attack Check Notification
This grant is followed by a grace period. During this grace period, HackerLink has run a close-source program to analyze all the votes that it received and detect if there are any sybil attacks from the quadratic voting mechanism. The final results will be released on afterwards.
What’s Quadratic Funding? How does it work?
Quadratic Voting is a voting scheme introduced and often discussed in the Radical Markets community. It is often considered an innovative improvement of the traditional 1-person-1-vote or 1-dollar-1-vote voting schemes. With a quadratic funding algorithm, the cost of each vote to a single project from a single contributor will increase, which encourages community contributors to donate to more projects.
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About Binance Labs
Binance Labs identifies, invests, and empowers viable blockchain entrepreneurs, startups, and communities, providing financing to industry projects that help grow the larger blockchain ecosystem.
Binance Labs is committed to supporting fast-executing, technical teams who positively impact the crypto space and build the decentralised web.
About DoraHacks
DoraHacks is a global hackathon organizer and one of the world’s most active developer communities. HackerLink ( is DoraHacks’ open source developer platform and open source curation market. HackerLink provides unique on-chain tools to incentivize open source developments around the world. The platform is offering features including hacker profile, BUIDL, quadratic funding grants, bonding curve, bounties, hackathons to more than 100,000 users around the world.
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